By DemocracyRules
These are Communist tactics. Discredit. Destroy. Dis-empower. Intimidate. Silence. Purge. Imprison.
Use the law to BEAT YOUR OPPONENTS into submission. Then, when you get power, change the laws, or abrogate the Constitution. Do whatever you have to do get power and keep power. The ends always justify the means.
This poor "Joe the Plumber" spoke up about matters that concerned him. He has the right of free speech. He also has the right of anonymity. He does not need to disclose any personal information to anyone in a situation like this. In fact, his personal history is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the political issues at hand.
He could have been a transvestite elephant from Lichtenstein and his questions would still have been perfectly valid.
Any attempt to mount personal ad hominem attacks on this person is unethical and politically irrelevant.
And yet, since he said what he said, THOUSANDS of Americans have devoted THOUSANDS of HOURS to, (1) Finding out who this person is, (2) Publishing his address and other personal information on the Internet, (3) attempting to have him fired from his job, (4) attempting to have the Toledo authorities fine him or in other ways punish him legally for certain credentials he may or may not have, (5) digging into his tax files and publishing them in such a way that he cannot defend any of the details, (6) calling him a liar, a fraud, a phony, a tax cheat, and myriad other epithets, (7) enlisting the MSM into this, who then willingly participate in the worst kind of slander, defamation, and yellow journalism against an innocent citizen.
Throughout all this witch hunt, the original questions that this man asked have been virtually ignored.
IF EVER THERE WAS A REASON TO STOP OBAMA, THIS IS IT. Forget the phony citizenship, the lying, the Black racism, the Muslim connections, the Antisemitism, the arrogance.
OBAMA MUST BE STOPPED, in the same way that Hitler had to be stopped. Obama now stands at the head of a vast swarm of the mortal enemies of democracy. Like Hilter, he disavows all responsibility for their actions, while he secretly funds, encourages, and enables them.
Obama DID THIS last night in the debate with McCain. Obama DISAVOWED ALL responsibility for the actions of ACORN, even though voter fraud and intimidation is obviously a TOOL that his minions are using on a wide scale to hijack the election. Obama has directly funded ACORN in these efforts.
We are like the German shopkeepers who were harassed by local misfits, petty thieves, and bullies. The next thing they knew, in almost an eye-blink, these same misfits, petty thieves and bullies were strutting around in Nazi uniforms, beating or killing anyone who had ever said an unkind word to them.
Overnight, after one single election, those misfits and bullies became the law. Shopkeepers and other citizens who had tried to avoid trouble, and who had simply wanted to be left alone, were soon gone from the population. It wasn't just the Jews. Anyone who stood in the Nazi's way was killed or imprisoned, and murder was cheaper than imprisonment.
In the USA RIGHT NOW there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of this type of sycophantic Obama supporters who faun over their leader, who are bereft of morality, lost in their narcissistic, selfish, drug-addled, psychopathic worlds.
Every country has a lumpen group of violent selfish misfits. It is a disastrous mistake to let them SEIZE CONTROL OF THE STATE. It is like giving a country to the protagonists in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. This is not a race issue, most of these Communist goons are white. Such people must not be given political power because they will abuse it, and destroy democracy. They have no idea what democracy or the rule of law actually is. They only know stolen pleasures, hate and revenge.
Pro Patria
I say to that kid now what I said to him 4 years ago: First you'll need to grow something to work with, son.
Posted by: Jim Treacher | October 17, 2008 at 06:47 AM
This post looks totally awesome immediately after one titled "McCain's New "Joe the Plumber" Ad".
Posted by: Kilo | October 17, 2008 at 07:18 AM
It’s not that I want to punish your success; it's just that while you're out working hard, we've got people ... who don’t have any money. Now, if you take 16, and divide it by 32, add 9, and square it by the sum of the root of the hypotenuse, ah you’ll pay less with my tax plan. Don't quote me on that, um you might pay a little more; that is unless of course you divide by 6, add 8, and subtract 3. Now ten years ago, if you’d been enrolled under my plan … is it hot out here?
But thanks for the question. Say, I've got to get out of here. I've got a debate to prepare for. Hey, I respect what you do. Anyway, how many plumbers do you know who make a quarter-million dollars a year? (My plumber does.) Now if Joe the Plumber’s employer gets overtaxed, Joe might lose his job. But with the job Obama wants, he’s got to do more than tackle the local plumber. And, so far he hasn’t done that. With the Democrats: the plumbers givith, and the plumbers taketh away. What is past is prologue:
Posted by: Peggy McGilligan | October 18, 2008 at 07:58 PM