Originally published on July 6, 2006: Can We Stop Blaming the Good Guys in the War on Terror?
Christopher Hitchens makes the common sense point in Slate today that it's time to stop blaming the good guys for the problems in Iraq. Too many are blaming the countries that are fighting the terrorist insurgents in Iraq for every barbaric act committed by the terrorists themselves:
"Semiconsciously, though, these tirelessly wicked forces in Iraq are denied any agency of their own, and by a none-too-clever elision, their horrific actions gradually become attributable to the presence of the very force that is fighting against them. This is both dishonest and dangerous."
Hitchens points to the recent example of the Russian parliament, which blamed not only the right party -- Al Qaeda -- for the recent slaughter of Russia's diplomats, but also the U.S. -- for not protecting the diplomats.
Of course it's an outrageous and unfair charge against the United States. According to half the critics you listen to, the U.S. is an "occupation" force that should not even be in Iraq anymore. So it's America's fault that security is not airtight in Iraq? The U.S. is supposed to be relinquishing control to Iraq's own troops a little more each day, remember?
And even if you agree that it's too soon for the U.S. to turn over security entirely to the Iraqis, in what universe does anyone expect that America should have the omnipotent power to prevent every act of barbarity on Iraqi soil that the twisted minds of terrorists can concoct? Anyone who expects that level of security anywhere on earth, let alone in present-day Iraq, is living in a dream world and needs to return there immediately.
It brings to mind the unfair accusations that were made against Vladimir Putin and Russia itself when terrorists seized control of a school in Beslan, holding hostage and killing students and teachers. As I wrote then, blaming the rescuers in the war on terror is just as wrong as blaming the victims. That post is just as relevant now as it was then. It's worth re-reading.
The civilized nations of the world will not win the war on terror by attacking one another for the wrongdoing of others. Let's save our fire for those who deliberately commit heinous acts of terror.