He used the "n" word too, saying that Obama is "telling n*****s how to behave."
This is in addition to Jackson saying he'd like to castrate Barack Obama (in cruder language, of course).
The left will pretend it doesn't matter and continue applying its usual double standards and feigned moral authority.
But it does matter. It raises the question of whether Jesse Jackson really wants to end hatred in America -- or just trade one form of hatred for another.
I'm thinking the latter. Because it's OK for Jackson to use foul language and violent imagery about a fellow black man, but let a white man do anything remotely close and his career is over, if Jackson has his way. Remember his reaction to Don Imus? He all but demanded the man's head on a platter.
CHICAGO (CBS) ― There was more fallout Tuesday night from comedian Michael Richards' racist remarks. . . . .
"I'm really busted up over this and I'm very, very sorry," Richards said Monday night on the "Late Show with David Letterman."
Michael Richards, best known as Kramer on "Seinfeld," says he is sorry for his racist rant at a Hollywood comedy club. His words were directed at two black hecklers. During his tirade, Richards referenced a time when African Americans were lynched. He also used the "n-word" repeatedly.
"He needs more than racial sensitivity and more than therapy training. Why is he so angry with blacks?" said the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
I guess using the "n' world and telling someone that you'd like to cut Barack Obama's private parts off doesn't qualify as being angry with blacks.
It's boils down to the same old " Reverse Discrimination " that is generally more acceptable in the African American culture. The " affirmative Action " theory that may have certainly helped clear some early hurdles in equality, has run it's course and is now a detriment to an " equal " society. Mr. Jackson is a poser, he wants to look like such an outstanding citizen in the public eye, but we all know the truth, he's run on the coat tails of Martin Luther King for far too long - and dropping the N-Bomb so casually, especially after denouncing it publically in the past, just shows his lack of true integrity, a complete disappointment to true integrity like his mentor Mr King. Attacking Obama verbally is hateful, stating he wants to cut his " Balls " off.... What kind of Reverend speaks with such a forked tongue ? Totally equality for African American is hampered by African Americans - Equality and equal treatment is demanded, yet " Reverse Discrimination " is perfectly acceptable - For Example, The United Negro College Fund - Although a Great thing, if there were an organization called the " United Caucasian College fund " there would be an out cry of racism. The Ebony Award is another example, perfectly acceptable, unless the Caucasians decided to have the " Ivory awards " then racism would be shouted from the streets - To include Mr Jackson. Or the fact that a Caucasian has to attain a much higher score on certain entrance exams to be accepted than an African American. Not until equal really means equal - Best scores get the job, white , black, yellow or blue - Let the scores determine who fills a slot. I hear plenty N-bombs dropped from my African American friends, but God forbid they hear one of our White friends say it. You want equality, then live it - If Jesse Jackson can say it, then the Pope should be able to - Both Men of God right. I heard the argument that Mr Jackson didn't say it in a derogatory way, it was just a way to label or group the African Americans as a whole - Well then, if that is alright, then why can Only African Americans seemingly get away with it - No Out cry - No demand for him to lose his job.... Come on America Wake the ( F-bomb ) up - One Country under God Liberty and Justice for all, but you white devils can't use our N-word because your white - Reverse discrimination - Loved by all, all whom talk the talk but can't walk the walk like Mr Jackson.
Posted by: Whitebread Cracker Honkie | July 17, 2008 at 08:49 AM