By Democracy Rules
h/t fox news
A machete-wielding Jihadist in Queens seems to think it's OK.
The American's public opinion of Islam continues to grow more negative. According to Pew Research Polls:
British opinion seems to be more negative. The majority of British citizenry now oppose immigration.
A new survey of the Brtish public found these results:
Do you consider there to be an "immigration crisis" in Britain today? Yes 83%
"The government should reduce or stop immigration." Agree 84%
"Special treatment of immigrants means that ordinary British people are losing out." Agree 69%
"Immigration is making Britain a more dangerous place in which to live." Agree 60%
"There are some dangerous ‘no-go’ areas near where I live as a result of immigration." Agree 39%
"Britain has a long history based on immigration – I don’t see why people are so concerned today." Disagree 62%
"Multiculturalism (i.e. the protection / promotion of minority cultures) isn’t working - it is causing more separation that unity."
Agree 69%
When governments ignore the sentiments of their own people, civil unrest becomes increasingly likely.