From DemocracyRules
Hmm... interesting idea:
Charles in Salt Lake City, UT Says:
January 29th, 2008 at 8:50 pm
The ONLY viable Vice-Presidential candidate for whoever is the eventual Rebublican nominee would be Condi Rice.
Think about it. It would be AMAZING! She is not only the most brilliant, experienced, and savvy person to tap for the Vice-Presidency, but she could effectively put the wind out of the sails of whoever the Democratic nominee would turn out to be.
And frankly, she is HOT! I’ve always thought so. What an amazing person!
Go Condie! And God bless!
Condi would help Romney in many ways: (1) strong on foreign affairs, where Romney is weak, (2) a long-time Washington 'insider', (3) very smart, (4) honest and forthright, (5) an interesting foil for those muddle-headed fools who want to vote for someone 'because he's black', or 'because he's a woman', instead of 'because he/she/it would make the best president'.
Yup, sign me up! In fact, I'm going to go start printing tshirts this afternoon... best idea I've heard all month.
Posted by: Dan Oblak - | January 30, 2008 at 11:07 AM