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December 18, 2007


these fools is to de-fund their research. Giving money to people who run around saying the sky is falling will just make them run around more and shout louder.

Furthermore, as the money flows more easily, they feel more empowered to stray farther and farther from the truth. If you read the websites habituated by these people, they refuse to even discuss the very deep problems with their research.

Their science gets worse and worse, and still the money flows.

Money should go to those who want to double-check the existing research, and find out why it is so self-contradictory.

Money should also go to those who want to do cost-benefit analyses of the key trade-offs. For example, if you had 3 trillion $$$ to spend, how many lives could you save if, (1) you used it to help the poor directly, or (2) you used it to ‘fight’ with global warming? The UN will NEVER address such questions.

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