Four little words from Instapundit that are enough to make anyone shudder:
JUSTICE William Jefferson Clinton.
From Douglas W. Kmiec at OpinionJournal:
Hillary Clinton's commanding lead in the polls has diminished, and with Oprah Winfrey stumping for Barack Obama, she's called increasingly on the "star power" of husband Bill. But the ubiquitous presence of the former president on the campaign prompts a question: What will Hillary do with Bill if she is elected?
. . . . In short, a seat on the Supreme Court solves Sen. Clinton's dilemma of what to do with her husband if she becomes president. It keeps Bill formally out of the White House and structurally out of the executive branch. And lest that dampen Mr. Clinton's interest, he might be reassured by Taft's practice of continuing to advise the president on the substance of legislation and to lobby to sustain various presidential vetoes.
. . . . How much more opportunity would be knocking for a Justice Clinton with an Iraq-induced, Democrat-controlled Congress? There's no need to take this comparison further at this point. Former President Clinton will no doubt guffaw at the possibility of judicial service, but then, hasn't he already stated, "I will serve in whatever capacity she deems most appropriate"?
Yes, Bill Clinton was disbarred from the U.S. Supreme Court, but does anyone think that would stop Hillary Clinton from appointing him to a seat of honor on that same court? Of course not. In the minds of the Clintons, it would almost compel it.