Slobodan Milosevic has been found dead in his cell, apparently of natural causes. The former Yugoslav leader was 64.
Needless to say, his trial will never be completed.
If you follow this blog, the news of Milosevic's death before his trial could be finished will have a familiar ring to it.
I was more prescient than I knew in my post of March 7, 2006, entitled "Milosevic Witness Dies: Another Reason Why No Trial Should Take More Than Four Years:
"If the goal is for Milosevic to die of old age or ill health before his trial is finished, we are well on our way."
I think I'll come up with a motto: "Bringing you breaking news before it happens."
Update: Captain's Quarters provides some useful context of today's news and Michelle Malkin has a good roundup of the "post-mortem" on the trial. Austin Bay has some nice background. More comments at Jawa Report and Rhymes With Right.