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March 14, 2006


The law Bush broke was created in response to a President who abused his power to spy on Americans. Dick Cheney never liked that law when he was in the Ford administration, and he encouraged Bush to break it.

The fact is, the law says Bush needs to get a warrant (he can even get a warrant three days after the eavesdropping takes place; that's how easy it is to follow) and he broke the law and dared Congress to say anything. Congress has basically agreed to pretend that Bush's illegal actions were legal.

It's too bad no one else has gone along with Feingold (yet) but at least someone is out there pointing out that Bush broke the law, and standing up to cowards like Bill Frist, who would drag us back to Cheney's beloved Nixon era and the super-powered, secretive executive.

If it was that easy MA, Bush would be doing it.

Apparently you haven't looked into the weaknesses in the FISA process.

It amazes me how many of you folks are still trying to handcuff those who are keeping us safe.

I've heard almost as many lies about "domestic spying" as I have about DPW "buying our ports."

Gina: Love the Irish proverb. Very appropriate for St. Patty's Day.

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