It's getting boring. Another day, another moonbat Michael Moore rant from Osama Bin Laden, from an audiotape posted on a website.
The Associated Press says that the tape appears to be the complete version of one that was broadcast Jan. 19 on Al-Jazeera, in which bin Laden offered the United States a "truce" (right) but also said his al-Qaeda terror network would soon launch a fresh attack on American soil.
Here are the "highlights" reported by the Associated Press, if you can call them that. Comments in italics are mine.
1. Bin Laden promises never to be captured alive.
Good. So all we have to do is corner you, and you'll take care of the rest. Excellent.
2. Bin Laden compares the U.S. to Saddam's barbaric regime. "The jihad is continuing with strength, for Allah be all the credit, despite all the barbarity, the repressive steps taken by the American Army and its agents, to the extent that there is no longer any mentionable difference between this criminality and the criminality of Saddam."
(a) You're calling Saddam Hussein "barbaric." Duly noted. That's more than we can usually get out of the moonbat left.
(b) There's no difference between the "criminality" of the U.S. and Saddam Hussein? You mean, the U.S. has done this?
I didn't realize we had crucified anybody.
And the U.S. has done this?
I had no idea we were amputating limbs as a form of torture, Bin Laden.
I guess then it was O.K. for you to do this:
That is, if we are going to take advice about who is "barbaric" from homicidal maniacs.
3. "The war against America and its allies has not remained confined to Iraq as he (Bush) claims, but rather Iraq has become a point of attraction and recruitment of qualified forces," he said.
Nobody ever said that the war on terror would "remain confined to Iraq." Set up a false premise and knock it down. "Brilliant."
4. "What's more, the mujahideen, by the grace of Allah, have been able to penetrate time after time all the security procedures undertaken by the oppressive countries of the alliance as evidence by what you have seen, in terms of bombings in the capital of the most important European states."
When you have to go out of your way to tell your enemy that you've been successful, that tells me you're losing and you know it.
5. The tape's release in January came days after a U.S. air strike in Pakistan that targeted bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, and reportedly killed four leading al-Qaida figures, including possibly al-Zawahri's son-in-law. There was no mention of the attack on the segments that were broadcast.
Exactly. We won't mention that little setback, will we?
6. In the full tape posted Monday, bin Laden engaged in renewed propaganda, mocking Bush's aircraft carrier declaration in April 2003 that major conflict in Iraq had ended. "The figures indicate an increase in the number of your killed and injured in addition to the massive material losses, not to mention the collapse of troop morale and the increase of the suicide rates among them," the speaker said.
Yawn. Michael Moore talking points. You underestimate our resolve.
7. Speaking directly to the American people, he said: "You can rescue whatever you can from this hell. The solution is in your hands, if their (U.S. troops') situation matters to you at all."
Thanks. We'll keep that in mind.
Hey, and let us know where we can meet to accept your "truce" offer. We'd like to meet with you. In person.
Conclusion: The release of this tape is a substitution of vague threats for actual attacks. If Al Qaeda was ready to carry out devastating attacks on American soil, they would have happened already. There is no reason that Al Qaeda would wait if it were ready, and it certainly would not give a warning in advance.
Al Qaeda remains a serious threat as do other Islamic terrorist organizations and states such as Iran, but this tape is pure propaganda which has only as much power as anyone chooses to give it. Buy into it, and you end up in the Land of Twisted Logic, from which there is no sane exit.
Great website Gina, conservative voices continue to outnumber and dwarf the cacophony from the moonbat realm. Previously the poor demented rope smokers only had BDS (Bush derangement syndrome) to give them the strength to march on without bathing or shaving to make their unintelligible voices heard in small smelly herds before being hosed down and arrested.
Fortunately a new figure, and a stunning one at that has given them a new affliction and a new cause to send them onward to further prosecution and personal interaction with the man. Yes, it's Palin Derangement Syndrome. A new and even more potent form of mind altering reality to the chemically inflicted brains of a progressive. By the time TEAM JoeBama goes down in flames, they will have already formed a hive mentality and scream that the election was stolen.
Such sweet music to my ears couldn't have been produced by the finest musicians in the world. What was to be a coronation after the obligatory facade of a race has instead turned into series of gaffes, flip flops, dwindling campaign funds and the fork being stuck into the Clinton dynasty as a wonderful parting gift. Thank you Team JoeBama.
Posted by: Red Ruffansore | September 15, 2008 at 08:59 PM