Obama Promises to Save the Middle Class by Enslaving It
Nothing says middle-class triumph like more regulation, unionism, cronyism and endless spending
Choking on Obamacare
How hyper-regulation is destorying American businesses and jobs

Can You Guess What the 'Worst-Run States in America' Award-Winners Have in Common?
Hint: The same political party has controlled all three states for decades
The Government Is Expropriating Private Wealth at a Rapid Rate
Due to inflation, very low interest rates on savings, and taxes on interest earned (all three due to government policies), savers are LOSING money in real value terms, year after year
Commonsense Reforms to Prevent CFPB Abuse
The CFPB, created by Democrats, would have "vast power to limit consumer choices on everything from buying a first home to paying for a college education. No other federal regulator has so much authority over personal economic decisions, with so little responsibility to answer to the American people and their elected representatives. By law, the CFPB answers to no one, sets its own budget, is controlled by a single director, and cannot be restrained unless its regulations threaten the stability of the entire U.S. financial or banking system. Imagine a local school board structured this way: a one-person board, appointed by the mayor, who can’t be fired, and who can spend millions of public dollars every year without the approval of taxpayers or elected officials. If you wouldn’t want this structure in a local school board, why would you want it for a powerful federal regulator?"
U.K.: Familes Not Always Told Their Loved on Is on Controversial 'Death Pathway'
Experts warn that in some cases patients have been put on the pathway only to recover when their families intervened, leading to questions over how people are judged to be in their “last hours and days”
Was Fast and Furious All About Gun Control?
It sure looks that way. And that is extremely serious.
New E-mails: ATF Officials Discussed Using Fast & Furious to … Push Gun Control
Your worst fears confirmed. Obama administration deliberately created a problem and facilitated long gun sales to drug cartels so it could take away more of your freedom and pretend to be the "savior"